somersault in the grass at midnight
come inside with green on my back
the dew chills my forearms
I am happy
History Today – June 4, 2018
This History Today series aims to document what life is like in this period of history. I update whenever I feel like it.
Aspects of daily life:
- Facebook ads have always been a successful medium, but today was the first day they were able to successfully lure me into clicking on not one ad, but three. Technology knows me better than I know myself. It inclines me to clear my cookies and my cache, but I don’t think that would stop Facebook from knowing me.
- I have a desire to share more of myself than ever in my life. Especially to strangers on the internet.
- I heard a recap of the Hookup Hotline segment of 97.1 Amp Radio this morning on my drive to work. The date between a forward woman and a conscientious man went well, without a vocalized complaint by either party; they went to Malibu and had margaritas (or at least she did). I wondered how I would be on that segment, even though I’m currently engaged and not looking. Maybe it’s my love of adventure (and books) that has my mind twirling in maybes.
- I replied to a poetry contest that I did not win, but was earnestly encouraged by. I said I was already editing. It’s the truth. I still wonder if I should enter more contests or self-publish. I love the idea of winning, but I love the power of doing it myself.
- I did not hear about a school shooting, but I suppose that doesn’t mean there wasn’t one.
- I’m practicing a tighter budget again, not necessarily because I need to, but because I want to challenge myself.
- I went to Disneyland yesterday. The tickets are $117 for a single park, per person. In high school, it was way less. They take pictures of you when you enter the park, instead of hand stamps. It’s to help with fraud, I believe.
- You can’t seem to win on the financial front unless you’re lucky, smart, or hardworking. Pick two, minimum.
I saw more than three ads today about starting my own business. I know ads are targeted, but someone has got to be running these ads, which means there’s clearly a community for this sort of thing.
I once bought the book of one of these people. While there was some good information, there was nothing that I didn’t already really know.
Perhaps we need to be babied and told stuff we already know to break out and be the people we want to be. This includes me.
Currently, I’m going through changes in my life: a move, a slight change of jobs, and launching into the completeness of my being.
I’m going to try to make part-time work sustain me while I pursue things that I need a kick in the ass to do: write more and build an unrelated business. It’s interesting that trying for things that will benefit me are so hard to get underway.
Successful people in media seem to have a gusto that I don’t think I possess, but I’ve lately been coming to the realization that they are as lost as me. I just am a bit more obvious about it. My friends and loved ones do not have as perfect lives as their social media leads me to believe.
It’s actually a breath of fresh air when someone posts a negative thing about their life on Facebook. We are not perfect, though there is this instinct to curate ourselves until we are. I have it too.
Poem #715
cry until she screams
she is enraged
she can do anything
she will show you
Poem #714
I am the ocean
she is the boat
and she is the anchor
I take the boat and anchor everywhere
we explore the world together
hurricanes are inevitable
I am the ocean
she sails into a harbor
and she plummets to the rocky bottom
boat and anchor weather the storm
we set off again
calm waters always return
Poem #713
he wants everything with her
everything is everything
the whole nine yards
kisses on the beach in Maui
romantic nights huddled by the fireplace
a drug smuggling operation and empire
Poem #712
two porcupines in love
I still love you
me too
Poem #711
“fuck me,” she says
as another semi changes lanes in front of her
she’s an English major
History Today – May 29, 2018
This History Today series aims to document what life is like in this period of history. I update whenever I feel like it.
Aspects of daily life:
- I have my smart phone with me everywhere, even the bathroom.
- I’ve started buying more feel-good items lately like jewelry — something I’ve never really done.
- My commute is 35-45 minutes one-way to work, but I go the opposite direction of traffic, so it’s not that bad. I take a car.
- I heard a radio program this morning about lesbian radio dating. It was recap of how a date went that the radio hosts had set up that previous Friday. The date went well. I smiled the rest of my drive to work. I’d listened to the radio segment before, but this was the first lesbian date that I’d heard of. It was the Hookup Hotline segment of the New Guys morning show on 97.1 FM.
- The only news I heard about was that the lady from Roseanne said something terrible — a racist comment I believe — and had her new-old show cancelled. The people I discussed this with thought what she said was deplorable. I did no research.
- I went to the movies using my MoviePass — a service that lets me see “unlimited” movies for a flat monthly fee. It costs me less than one ticket would cost me. The lady in front of me in line at the ticket line commented to her daughter that her movie cost $16. “When did that happen?” she asked. I don’t know. When I was in high school in 2010, movies were at least $4 cheaper. I saw “Life of the Party” today. I enjoyed it.
- I used my app twice today, to look up words and confirm definitions.
I’ve always been curious about what it was like to live in a certain period of history. History books show only a limited view of society. So why not add my screaming into the void as a form of documentation.
For example, my grandma escaped a communist country during the 1960s. She and my grandpa failed a few times — landing her in jail, much to her amusement. And I do mean “amusement,” she actually laughed while she was in jail. It just goes to show that ordinary people have extraordinary lives. There is so much that doesn’t land in books, so much that is lost when the person who experienced it dies.
What is life like today? Keeping in mind that I’m a white, millennial, upper-middle class lesbian in California, it’s odd. I scroll Facebook so many times a day, seeing other people screaming into the void, and I feel both connected to and disconnected from them. When it comes to politics, I don’t know what to think. I don’t want to be wrong. But it’s so hard to truly care deeply about everything that happens when so much happens. Every single day, Trump has started up a new controversy. At this point, it’s gotten to the point where I feel like there’s a devastating school shooting every month. I was in high school less than a decade ago, but it wasn’t something we worried about. We all knew about Columbine — a school shooting in 1999 — but it felt far away. Now I see ads where high school kids hold up signs about how it’ll be for their parents if they die in a school shooting. These kids have to go through so much. Is every high school student thinking like these kids in the ads? Are there kids out there that were as oblivious as I was back then?
I don’t know.
Has every period of history always felt so tumultuous for the people experiencing it? Or is this period of time especially rocky?
I don’t know.
And yet while all this happens, I float through my life. Going to work everyday, slowly chipping away at my goals, because can I really just stop my life? Can I be paralyzed by what seems to be ripping apart modern society? It’s not shreds yet, maybe I should just hope for the best. Maybe life is a tattered but comfy blanket that you’ve had since you were born, and it’s all you have. Make do and do some darning when you have the time and energy.
I kiss my fiancée in public. I speak loudly when I go to restaurants. I post sad poems on the internet. I’m living, but I can’t shake the feeling that everything that’s wrong with the world is my fault for not being more vocal. I grew up being told that every vote counts, so I’m a registered voter. In college, I was a part of LGBT organizations, contributing to activism. I try. Is that enough?
I know people my age who feel the same. Who feel like they’re failing the world for not exhausting every bit of energy they have to making it better.
I’ve got to imagine that helping when I can is sufficient. One of my favorite sayings is the safety spiel when I hop on a plane: “put on your own oxygen mask before helping those around you.”
When I can’t do more than go to work everyday and then straight to bed when I get home, what use am I to the world?
*Hopefully this is a good level of detail. I’ll figure out more of what I want to write about as I do more of these.
Poem #710
a vice gripping my vagina
white-black rips the edge of my vision
it’s been building the whole time
I shove pills in my mouth
chasing them with scalding water
please, make this work
I gulp another one for good measure
the light turns green
the car slugs home
every position is pain
until the medicine creeps in
Poem #709
blue melts out of my skin
a galaxy flowing away
I am sad
blue puddles around my feet
no longer inside me
I should be happy