pit bull falls sleep
on a Doberman stuffie
Poem #697
turn on a heater
turn on another
huddle for warmth
Poem #696
the dogs buzz
they know they’re home
the girlfriend laughs
she knows she’s home
Poem #695
it could be so lovely
to slumber near her
it could be so lovely
to know what I want
it could be so lovely
to bicker without worry
it could be so lovely
to know where I will be
I never realized
it could be so lovely
Poem #694
Poem #693
kitty kitty
“come and play”
kitty kitty
runs away
Poem #692
knitting and tea
calming and heat
Poem #691
animals and humans slumbering
on various surfaces in the room
Poem #690
spaceman jumps off an asteroid
reach, reaching for a star
his remains burn up in luminous plasma sphere
Poem #689
animals flock to me
like flies to honey
sitting on my lap
warming my soul