my atoms want to separate
hold me to keep me together
Poem #667
barely clinging to awake
I write
imagining everything
but editing nothing
dangerous freedom
Poem #666
floating in an abyss
she separates from herself
Poem #665
snail goes to house
she slimes onto the door
“hello? I am here”
door opens, person walks out
door closes, snail is still there
person says, “who is it?”
and they go back inside
snail hangs on
but is never noticed
eventually slime loses viscosity
and snail slides down
never heard
seen when dried up
why didn’t snail say anything?
Poem #664
Poem #663
I hate his lingering attention
his eyes watching me
standing too close
even when I take a step back
how he tries to force conversation
while I am intentionally short
I used to enjoy the friendliness
but it feels unnatural now
I want to be ignored
though nothing overt
something is wrong
I am uncomfortable
Poem #662
create quietly
as the room grows dark
solitary candle flickers
window is ajar
occasional car cruises past
words flow
like water past betta fins
Poem #661
dance until trance
feeling the strength
in hands and legs
floating to a plane
of non-existing bliss
no one is here
hair whipping in face
brain tingling
delightful transcendence
dance until legs give out
past when the music quiets
when it’s no longer dance
poetry and mind take over
ecstasy through movement
Why It’s Okay — Maybe Even Great — To Be Average
I’ve had a revelation. I think I just figured out the key to success as a moderately smart, moderately hardworking person who doesn’t really want a normal job.
The key is diversification. I’m always trying to find that one thing that’ll allow me to be my own boss or the intense amount of work it takes to crank out novels like I’m a rabbit popping out babies.
I’m not expert level at anything, as much as I would like to be. I’m not a genius. And while I’ve been bemoaning that fact for years, internally, it suddenly became clear to me just now that I don’t need to be a genius. I just have to be passable to get the life I want.
I’ve always heard that you should go with your core competency and stick with it — that’s my business school education. If I was great at corporate things, I should focus my energy on that. Unfortunately, I can’t imagine focusing all my energy on one thing, and I think that I’m like the typical person in that aspect. In essence, I don’t have the passion in any one field to have the patience for expertise. I am truly a jack of many trades.
And this might actually be a good thing in some ways. The single most impactful thing I learned in my finance class when I was in college was that if you had a monkey pick 40 stocks and put him up against a professional fund manager, the monkey will win most of the time in terms of long-term profit. That’s why so many people invest in index funds. They’re mitigating risk and reducing workload by spreading out their investment across an index.
But if I did that with my various hobbies that I would like to turn into income streams, it would essentially be the same thing, except instead of money I invest my time. The good thing here is that I’m only pursuing things that I find interesting, like: personal finance, investing, crafting, writing, real estate and education. I already like to research and do things in these topic areas. So my time would be investment but also entertainment.
I don’t working on things I love doing. And since I’m not an expert in any of those things, why not do them all a bit?
I made $37.95 from five months of having my book out and self-published. That’s about $7 a month for one book — the sales have been relatively spread out. If I write 7 more books, I’d get $56 a month — assuming that is a conservative rate. At 1/40th of what I need to survive, it’s not shabby. That’s a week worth of groceries if I’m frugal.
I see so many people saying that writing books isn’t worth it unless you’re going to be super prolific and an amazing marketer, but why? I write because I love it. Why not continue self-publishing? And working on all the projects I love? It’s fun, I’m not planning on quitting my job until my side projects can generate reliable income anyway.
There’s something to be said for pursuing your passions, even if you can’t strike it rich. Maybe all my passions can collectively support me one day. I’m aiming for it now!
Poem #660
tired lady stands in line
this is the pharmacy
we are comrades
waiting for medicine
forever we crouch in aisles