Poem #158

amidst stacks of hastily organized paper
along a non-descript wall with a clock on it
a small creaky desk with a nameplate
them in the metal chair rolled their eyes
they slowly stamped in red ink “DECEASED”
onto papers with pictures, names and life stories
their hand slipped but still came down on the paper
getting a splotch of red ink on a child’s paper
they did not give the mistake a second thought
in Pennsylvania, a ten year old boy developed asthma
they continued to stamp rigorously
the done pile filled out and they smiled to themselves
“quitting time soon,” they thought
billions of lives were put on hold for it
but before they left the office for the day
seven blue outlined papers were stamped
the metallic blue stamp said “MIRACLE”
they sighed and haphazardly cleared the desk

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