Poem #742

the fat man has an eating disorder
late at night when no one else is awake
he takes a box of ice cream cones
a Dreyer’s slow-churned vanilla quart
he eats: 1, 2, 3
he pauses for a minute, he should stop
but the ice cream is going to melt
and he can’t keep his hands from moving
he eats: 4, 5, 6
sick and too full, he passes out

the next day: less than 1,000 calories
two weeks: less than 1,000 calories
he says,
“I can’t give myself an inch”
he’ll take a mile
8 lbs lost
he’s smiling and feeling proud
15 lbs lost
he’s finally in control

then, his legs move on their own
late at night for a week straight
the light of the refrigerator is ghostly on his skin
he pulls out an entire box of ice cream sandwiches
and takes them to his room
an entire pot of leftover spaghetti
a loaf of bread and package of Oscar Mayer bologna
he regrets immediately and passes out
-2 lbs lost

Poem #683

stand on the boxes
reach, reach
bring down the bowls
add flour and brown sugar
butter and vanilla
eggs and baking powder
semisweet chocolate chips
stir, stir
with all your muscles
grab a spoon
and make dollops
slide into the oven
wait, wait
take them out
let them cool
oooh! but they smell so good!
pour two glasses of milk
eat, eat