History Today – June 2, 2020

This History Today series aims to document what life is like in this period of history. I update whenever I feel like it.

Aspects of daily life:

  • George Floyd, a Black man, was murdered by a police officer on Memorial Day, while three other officers watched. He kneeled on George Floyd’s neck for between 8 and 9 minutes. There’s a video going around. I didn’t watch it through.
  • There have been protests and riots as a result, all over the country. None in my town, but there are in the nearest big city. I haven’t gone. I’m too scared. I have a lifelong fear of police officers, I don’t want to be injured, and I don’t want to bring back COVID-19 to my family. Mostly, it’s fear though. I feel really bad about it. I guess that’s kind of the point though. Even though I’m afraid of the police, I’ve never been targeted by them.
  • I donated to https://blacklivesmatter.com/. I’ve never donated to anything like this. I didn’t donate during the primaries, when I felt strongly about who I wanted to be the democratic candidate. I never donated to any LGBT organization, even though I’m gay. I’m surprised by this. But my reaction to the George Floyd’s murder has been visceral, and I had to do something, small as it is.
  • I’ve been getting my news from the CBS News live broadcast app, Instagram, and LAist.com (I’m checking on Los Angeles because my family lives there). I can’t remember if CBS is considered liberal or conservative.
  • Opinions seem to be unanimous, at least in my sphere, that the protests should continue and that they are on the right track. However, some people want the violent parts of the riots to stop, saying the protesters shouldn’t destroy businesses or hurt people. Others say that the protesters are not starting the violence, the police are. Others say that the protesters
  • Murders of Black people by police (and vigilantes) have happened before. I don’t know why I feel so strongly this time. It’s always been easy to think nothing would change and so any energy I expended was a waste. Maybe my active interest in politics in the last two years coupled with the drastic change in my way of life because of COVID-19 has changed my mind. This feels big and possible. Change can happen. While I hope folks stop getting hurt by the police, I see so much value in them being there, and I hope they continue while taking care of their safety.
  • I feel like a coward. I should, I am. I’m scared even to make this post. But I gotta hit “Publish,” since I’ve written most of it.
  • If anyone reads this, educate yourself and hopefully donate or protest or sign petitions.
  • Places where protests are happening have curfews. Some as early as 2pm in Los Angeles, I think. I don’t think this is the right move by the government. It feels like they want to quell the protests.