two gray and silvery hairs on my head
I used to pull them out with zeal
but now I admire them affectionately
we’re going to be together for a long time
Poem #462
fly fly high
in the sky
metal bird
carries herd
pilot guide
for a ride
Poem #461
drip drip
goes the faucet
meow meow
goes the cat
goes the mind
Poem #460
on an Icelandic hill
meteorologist monitors chill
she is not lonely
numbers and charts accompany
a three month assignment
she swallows lots of supplements
she can’t go home
but she’s glad to avoid his tone
in the quiet and computer noise
she begins to talk without poise
“Come on, can’t take a joke?”
half mimicking his familiar yoke
she cries to the buzzes and whirs
even now it hurts her
when her replacement comes
he finds her hung
Poem #459
Poem #458
farmer’s son drove the family truck
down the highway in the afternoon
he spots a roadkill squirrel
and takes it home for the family
farmer puts his hand on shoulder
shakes his head for the umpteenth time
and says “We don’t want this son.”
Poem #457
to feel so crazy and normal
to feel so cute and big
to feel so comfortable and dedicated
to feel so careful and lazy
I feel those contradictions
Poem #456
brown bird with white tail
dances on the street
I get close
and she flies away
Poem #455
in a rock tumbler
I get bruised
tumbling around
but I come out
shiny and smooth
Poem #454
she will always love noodles
with oil or from a can
you can’t stop her
she will always get noodles