glowing green grass
pale gray sky
cold from window
warm from behind
a perfect calm
Poem #316
gentle kitten
stretched out
Poem #315
let’s talk
it’s gonna be a metaphor
years ago
you were slamming doors
you were angry
my fingers got smashed
several times
you didn’t see me there
you didn’t know
one time you saw me there
you apologized and tried to make it up
I eventually smiled
but the thing is I have nerve damage
it hurts to touch
but I still high-five you and everyone else
that’s life
occasionally a high five makes me scream
but you don’t stop
instead you give me several high-fives in a row
“because” I guess
then I’m the bad guy for screaming
your ears hurt
but the high-fives keep happening
my fingers hurt
candies or apologies don’t stop the pain
weird, huh?
something just doesn’t make sense here
Poem #314
on the couch
with a cat
and a friend
until bedtime
Poem #313
Poem #312
glowing pink-orange
gray-green clouds
Poem #311
derisive dissonance
on a mountain of low self-esteem
crashing avalanche
destructive declarations
Poem #310
space exploration
artful flirtation
evening vacation
Poem #309
shaved my legs for this
wore your necklace for this
shopped for this
love you!
Poem #308
one moment, I was driving
the next, I was on the ground
staring up at the cloaked figure
“I’m not ready yet,” I say
“that’s death,” says the figure