black spider makes its home
spins thread under my bureau
upside down man on the floor sees
we seek but do not find
ever vigilant for a predator
but black spider goes about its business
Poem #237
a well-lit waiting room
some stand, lucky sit
the buzz of tv speakers
and children smacking gum
should I leave?
probably will.
Poem #236
tingly skin and sore feet
ecstatic exhaustion
elevator nightmare fuel
sensual alternative feast
empty trance bounce
we move until we can’t
sucking energy out of the air
even stopped, we don’t stop
curl our toes and vocalize
floating unattached to worry
tangible joy is flow
Poem #235
blue-eyed girl smiles
mostly silent
except when she lives
laughing kindness
cool, calm, collected
an adult in almost every sense
I admire her
I try hard to be admirable too
she inspires that
with her gentle sweetness
and boisterous opinions
so different from me
but I like being her big sister
Poem #234
no one likes to touch your soggy underwear
you make children cry!
you make hope die!
you make good men lie!
please whatever you do
don’t leave clothes in the washer
Poem #233
emotionally empty
and relaxed
Poem #232
shrieking laughter
crave errands
sidewalk dancing
best friends
Poem #231
the fly on the wall
sees all of the bachelor
sees him bathe
sees him sleep
sees him fuck
sees him work
sees him eat
sees him laugh
sees him cry
sees him live
but the fly doesn’t understand
and feels nothing for the bachelor
Poem #230
slight coldness that consumes slowly
gray sky with a sliver of brilliant blue
momentary loneliness that pulls
brown dirt with patches of emerald green
spontaneous adventure that thaws the statue
pink pastel scarf with neon yellow cross stitch
Poem #229
soft fur in my lap
a sleeping feline
warm and gentle
peaceful eyes
a calm heart