Poem #756 – maybe I should be a vampire

they say we’re taller in the morning
our spines are puffed up sponges
I know this to be true
because I have to readjust my rear view mirror
every morning
and every evening after work
the day weighs heavy
pushing not just my soul down
but on my spine sponges, compressing them
I get shorter when the day steps on me

only night really likes me
she lets me sleep
and stokes my confidence and my body
to deal with day’s selfish demanding
she is the hero of our generation
she doesn’t demand productivity
at the cost of me
night is the lover I deserve

Poem #746 – marriage counseling

it smells of rotting things
fruit, once sweet
now propagating flies

get on the ground
crawl there

you must bark
you are not a woman

he doesn’t need to do this
he’s not embarrassed

the therapist and him watch
dignity vampires

let the maggots eat only the dead flesh
until just you exist